Productos >Nuestros Sensores >Sensores Inductivos > Can counting sensor DZU
The counting of cans in the process is accompanied by other eff ects such as shaking, jiggling and in some cases also reverse movement or jumping of individual cans or multiple cans. An additional complication is the round shape of the cans.
Our can count sensors have it all under control! The compact device counts cans made from aluminium or tin-plate, from 52 mm to 86 mm diameter – without remote station or double head. It uses our clever Teach-In function and counts cans with a speed of up to 6000 units per minute – with absolute precision. Each can is counted just once – even if it passes the sensor again in reverse direction.
Any question about our Can Counting Sensor?
Then please contact us and use our contact form, send us an email to sales@proxitron.de or call us at +49 4121 2621-0.
We will be pleased to help you with your application!